Tuition/Payment Policy
FDC Fine Arts terms begin each year the Tuesday after Labor Day and goes through May. All tuition/payment is due on or before the 7th of every month. FDC offers several ways to pay: check, debit/credit card, and auto pay (debit/credit card or ACH through your checking account.). If you choose not to use our auto pay methods, we require you keep a credit card on file with our front desk. If we have not received your monthly payment, the credit card on file will be automatically debited on the 8th.
Auto Pay Options- On the 5th of each month your monthly payment for tuition will be automatically debited from your checking account via ACH, Visa, Discover Card, or Master Card.
There are no refunds on classes missed. Please see our Two Week Make-Up Period policy.
Withdrawal Policy
If you choose to drop a class in any department, we require you notify the front desk by the 15th BEFORE the start of the month you wish to stop the class. If the front desk is not notified by the 15th, you will be charged for the next month's payment. If you are receiving a multiple class discount, and not dropping all classes, your discount will change accordingly.
Waiver of Consent
Parents/guardians will be required to sign a waiver of consent for all minors before they will be allowed to participate in any class.
Inclement Weather
We follow Mansfield Independent School District for weather related closings.
Holiday Closures
Family D.R.E.A.M Center is closed Memorial day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break.
Absence/Make-Up Options
There are no refunds for any missed classes. In the event your child will be missing a class, we request you contact the front desk no later than an hour before the class starts. If your student is absent you may contact the front desk to see if it is possible for your child to make up their class within the two week makeup period. If class is closed to due inclement weather, each department will have a make up class & you will be notified as to when it will be held.
Two Week Make-Up Period
At FDC, we understand there may be family emergencies/extensive illnesses from time to time. While we do not give refunds for any classes missed, we do want your student to get the lessons you have paid for. For your convenience, we allow up to two weeks for your child to make-up any missed classes as long as there is a spot available for them in another class of their level. You must contact the front desk to schedule your child's make-up class. If you have not made arrangements with the front desk prior to coming to a make-up class, your child will not be permitted to stay for that class. After the two week make-up period any classes that have been missed will be lost unless previous arrangements have been made.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Children may be dropped off for their class 10 minutes before, but we require they be picked up NO LATER than 10 minutes after their last class. Do not leave children unattended in the parking lot or FDC lobby when dropping off. You may contact the front desk for any special circumstances.
Parents are not required to stay for their child's class if the child is Kindergarten and up. For all children in the toddler, pre-school, and Dance Movement classes we respectfully request that you stay on the premises for the duration of class time.
Switching Classes
It is not always a guarantee there will be a spot for your child in another class of their level. You will need to contact the front desk to find out if a switch can be made for the desired classes. Permission will be needed from all teachers involved before an actual switch will be allowed.
Parent Observations
Families are not permitted to be in class with their student. Each Family D.R.E.A.M. Center department will hold a Parent Observation Day. You will be notified in advance for the date/time to be able to make arrangements to attend. (Some studios/classroom doors have windows you may discreetly look through to see your child.)
FDC's main source of communication with parents is via email. Please make sure we have the best email contact for you. Teachers do not have time to talk between classes. Communication with your child's teacher about progress/concerns we ask you email your teacher at their FDC email account which can be found on our Staff page. If needing to schedule a parent/teacher conference please contact the front desk to make arrangements.
Classroom Behavior/Etiquette
FDC wants each class time to be an enjoyable one for all students. To ensure that it is, we ask that each child follow our classroom behavior/etiquette rules.
- Be respectful of your teacher and other students. Do not talk to friends during class time. If a student is disruptive to the class, FDC staff as the right to dismiss them from the class at any time. (Dance Movement parents only- if the child's behavior improves we may reintroduce them back into their class.)
- Please use the restroom/have your child use the restroom before class begins. If children need to use the restroom once class has begun, they will be excused, but this can cause disruption of the class.
- No gum, food, or beverages (other than water) are allowed in the studios or classrooms. If food or snacks are needed, kids can eat in the lobby. Only water will be allowed for beverages. However, we do expect you or your child to clean up afterwards.
- If your class requires a dress code, please be sure to show up dressed accordingly.
- Do not touch any equipment/items that do not belong to you unless directed by FDC staff.
- Studios: No hanging on the ballet barres or touching the mirrors at any time.
- Classrooms: Do not stand on tables or chairs.
- Classrooms: Do not touch instruments unless directed by FDC staff.
**Please be aware that dance involves physical contact. Often the instructors will need to make hands-on contact to adjust students alignment for proper technique.
Lost Items
FDC is not responsible for lost or stolen items while on the FDC premises. You may check with the front desk to see if anything has been turned in.
Participant Name: ______________________________Date: __________________